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 Keynote Lectures

・ Keynote Lecture 1
 Statistical Inference for Panel Dynamic Simultaneous Equations Models
 Cheng Hsiao (University of Southern California)

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・ Keynote Lecture 2
 Debt, Inflation and Growth: Robust Estimation of Long-Run Effects in Dynamic Panel Data Models
 M. Hashem Pesaran (University of Southern California and Trinity College, Cambridge)

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・ Keynote Lecture 3
 How International Comparisons Help to Understand Population Aging: Lessons from SHARE and Its Sister Studies
 Axel Boersch-Supan (Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy)

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 Invited Lectures

・ Invited Lecture 1
 Testing the Number of Components in Finite Mixture Models
 Katsumi Shimotsu (University of Tokyo)

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・ Invited Lecture 2
 Identifying Latent Structures in Panel Data
 Liangjun Su (Singapore Management University)

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・ Invited Lecture 3
 The Cause of China’s Great Leap Famine Revisited: Using Panel Data Approach for Program Evaluation
 Ying Fang (Xiamen University)

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・ Invited Lecture 4
 Time Series of Cross-Sectional Distributions with Common Stochastic Trends
 Yoosoon Chang (Indiana University)

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・ Invited Lecture 5
 Persistency in Time Series of Cross-sectional Distributions
 Joon Y. Park (Indiana University)

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 Session 1.1 - Quantile Regression (Theory)
・ Incidental Parameter Bias in Panel Quantile Regressions

 Martin Weidner (University College London)

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・ Penalized Quantile Regression with Semiparametric Correlated Effects: Applications with Heterogeneous Preferences

 Carlos Lamarche (University of Kentucky)

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・ Quantile Spatial Autoregressive Model

 Sulkhan Chavleishvili (Goethe University Frankfurt)

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 Session 1.2 - Production (Application)
・ Augmented and Unconstrained: Revisiting the Knowledge Production Function

 Antonio Musolesi (University of Ferrara)

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・ Global Dependence and Productivity Catching-up: A Conditional Nonparametric Frontier Analysis

 Camilla Mastromarco (University of Salento)

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・ The Impact of Capital Measurement Error Correction on Firm-Level Production Function Estimation

 Kamil Galuscak (Czech National Bank)

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・ Heterogeneous Firms: Skilled-Labor Productivity and Export Destinations Firms

 Yuya Sasaki (Johns Hopkins University)

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 Session 1.3 - Japanese Panel Data 1
・ The Impact of the Tax Reform in 2004 on the Female Labour Supply in Japan

 Colin Ross McKenzie (Keio University)

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・ Longitudinal and Cross-sectional Weighting Methodology of Keio Household Panel Survey and Japan Household Panel Survey

 Kayoko Ishii (Keio University)

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・ Cultural Transmission of Diligence: Parenting and Worldviews

 Masao Ogaki (Keio University)

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・ Subjective Belief, Risk Information and Earthquake Insurance Purchase: Evidence from Japanese Post-Quake Data

 Michio Naoi (Keio University)

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 Session 1.4 - Dynamic Panel Data 1 (Theory)
・ Unequal Spacing in Dynamic Panel Data: Identification and Estimation

 Yi Xin (Johns Hopkins University)

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・ Exogeneity Tests in Dynamic Panel Data Models

 Milan Pleus (University of Amsterdam)

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・ A Multiple Testing Approach to the Regularisation of Large Sample Correlation Matrices

 L. Vanessa Smith (University of York)

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・ Transformed Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Short Dynamic Panel Data Models with Interactive Effects

 Kazuhiko Hayakawa (Hiroshima University)

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 Session 1.5 - Labor Economics 1 (Application)
・ The Effects of On-the-job and Out-of-employment Training Programmes on Labor Market Histories

 Thierry Kamionka (CNRS, CREST and ENSAE)

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・ Wage Losses of Displaced Workers: the Allocation of Workers into Firms and Job Titles

 Pedro S. Raposo (Universidade Catolica Portuguesa)

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・ Long-term Effect of Displacement in Japan

 Mayu Fujii (Hokkaido University of Education)

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・ German Labour Market Reform Effects - Revisited with a Panel Data Analysis for Occupational Labour Markets

 Michael Stops (IAB Nuremberg)

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 Session 1.6 - Financial Economics 1 (Application)
・ Multifactor Asset Pricing with a Large Number of Observable Risk Factors and Unobservable Common and Group-specific Factors

 Tomohiro Ando (Keio University)

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・ Bank-Borrower Relationship and the Bank Risk Appetite in Emerging Economies

 Mamoru Nagano (Seikei University)

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・ Modelling Financial Markets Comovements During Crises: A Dynamic Multi-Factor Approach

 Giovanni Urga (Cass Business School, London)

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・ On Factor-augmented Univariate Forecasting

 Abdou-Aziz Niang (University of Ziguinchor)

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 Session 1.7 - International Economics 1 (Application)
・ Gravity Models of Trade: Unobserved Heterogeneity and Endogeneity

 Felix Chan (Curtin University)

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・ International Price Volatility, Exchange Rate Uncertainty and Cereals Exports: Empirical Evidence from France

 Raphael Chiappini (University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, GREDEG-CNRS)

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・ Determinants of Global Spillovers from US Monetary Policy

 Georgios Georgiadis (European Central Bank)

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 Session 2.1 - Unit Root Test (Theory)
・ Panel GLS Unit Root Tests and Common Factors

 Josep Lluis Carrion-i-Silvestre (University of Barcelona)

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・ Local Power of Fixed-T Panel Unit Root Tests with Serially Correlated Errors and Incidental Trends

 Yiannis Karavias (University of Nottingham)

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・ Unit Root Inference in Generally Trending and Cross-correlated Fixed-T Panels

 Vasilis Sarafidis (Monash University)

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 Session 2.2 - Panel Cointegration Test (Theory)
・ A Simple Likelihood-based Panel Cointegration Rank Test in the Presence of a Linear Time Trend and Cross-sectional Dependence

 Antonia Arsova (Leuphana University Luneburg)

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・ Panel Cointegration Testing in the Presence of Linear Time Trends

 Uwe Hassler (Goethe University Frankfurt)

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 Session 2.3 - Japanese Panel Data 2
・ Do Risk Preferences Change? Evidence from Panel Data before and after the Great East Japan Earthquake

 Chie Hanaoka (Kyoto Sangyo University)

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・ Time Discounting and Smoking Behavior: Evidence from a Panel Survey

 Myong-Il Kang (Korea University)

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・ Procrastinators and Hyperbolic Discounters: Transition Probabilities of Moving from Temporary into Regular Employment

 Sun Youn Lee (Meiji Gakuin University)

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 Session 2.4 - Dynamic Panel Data 2 (Theory)
・ Internal and External Effects of R&D Subsidies and Fiscal Incentives: Empirical Evidence Using Spatial Dynamic Panel Models

 Benjamin Montmartin (University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis)

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・ Competition and Innovation in Luxembourg: A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis

 Wladimir Raymond (STATEC)

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・ A Non-Invariance Problem in Panel GMM Estimators When Level Instruments Are Used for Differenced Equations

 Yoshitsugu Kitazawa (Kyushu Sangyo University)

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 Session 2.5 - Labor Economics 2 (Application)
・ Effects of the Great East Japan Earthquake on Subjective Well-being

 Akiko Kamesaka (Aoyama Gakuin University)

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・ Effects of Disability Employment Policy on the Adjustment of the Labor

 Akira Nagae (Waseda University)

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・ Impact of Income and Non-income Shocks on Child Labor: Evidence from a Panel Survey of Tanzania

 Amarakoon Bandara (United Nations Development Programme)

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 Session 2.6 - Public Economics 1 (Application)
・ Dynamics and Measurement Error in Panel Data -- Signal-Noise Pattern, Heterogeneity and GMM: FDI Impact on GDP Revisited

 Xuehui Han (Asian Development Bank)

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・ The Effect of Moving to a Territorial Tax System on Profi t Repatriations: Evidence from Japan

 Kozo Kiyota (Keio University and RIETI)

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・ A Panel Study of Recent Reform in Personal Income Taxation in Japan

 Takero Doi (Keio University)

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 Session 2.7 - Family Economics (Application)
・ Does the Stork Deliver Happiness? Parenthood and Life Satisfaction

 Kevin Staub (University of Melbourne)

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・ Time Trade Doesn't Happen: The Determinants of Children’s Hours Spent Studying

 Makiko Nakamuro (Keio University)

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・ Analysis of the Effects of Economic Conditions on the First Marriage of Young People

 Keiji Katsura (Hosei University)

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 Session 3.1 - Likelihood Estimation (Theory)
・ LIML in the Linear Panel Data Model

 Tom Wansbeek (University of Groningen)

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・ Sparse Sieve MLE

 Artem Prokhorov (University of Sydney)

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・ Estimating a Large System of Seemingly Unrelated Regressions Using Penalized Quasi-Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Applications on Asset Returns

 Michael Fan (Xiamen University)

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・ Unconditional Transformed Likelihood Estimation of Time-Space Dynamic Panel Data Models

 Sebastian Kripfganz (Goethe University Frankfurt)

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 Session 3.2 - Firm Behavior (Application)
・ Corporate Financial Structure and Export Quality: Evidence from France

 Sarah Guillou (OFCE, SciencesPo)

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・ Bivariate Probit Estimation for Panel Data: A Two-step Gauss-Hermite Quadrature Approach with an Application to Product and Process Innovations for France

 Benoit Mulkay (University Montpellier 1)

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・ An Assessment of the Firm Level Impacts of Innovation, Export, Productivity Catch-up and Wages on Employment Growth in Chinese Manufacturing

 Jacques Mairesse (INSEE-CREST, Maastricht University and NBER)

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・ Innovation and Profitability: Firm-Level Evidence from Taiwan

 Chia-Hui Huang (Aletheia University)

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 Session 3.3 - Japanese Panel Data 3
・ Health Consequences of Transitioning to Retirement and Social Participation: Evidence from JSTAR Panel Data

 Hideki Hashimoto (University of Tokyo)

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・ Breastfeeding Practices and Parental Employment in Japan

 Emiko Usui (Hitotsubashi University and IZA)

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・ Outline of the Japanese Longitudinal Survey on Employment and Fertility (LOSEF; the Internet Version): Generational Differences in Employment, Wages, and Lifestyle in Japan

 Seiichi Inagaki (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

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 Session 3.4 - Heterogeneity Issues (Theory)
・ Dynamic Panel Data Analysis when the Dynamics are Heterogeneous

 Takahide Yanagi (Kyoto University)

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・ Identifying Multi-attribute Hedonic Models

 Marc Henry (Pennsylvania State University)

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・ A Two Stage Approach to Spatiotemporal Analysis with Strong and Weak Cross-Sectional Dependence

 Natalia Bailey (Queen Mary, University of London)

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 Session 3.5 - Financial Economics 2 (Application)
・ Does Geographical Proximity Matter in Small Business Lending? Evidence from the Switching of Main Bank Relationships

 Iichiro Uesugi (Hitotsubashi University)

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 Discrete Choice Models of Monetary Policy: Introducing the Tempered Ordered Probit Model

 Mark N. Harris (Curtin University)

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 Updating Behavior of Inflation Expectations: Evidence from Japanese Household Panel Data

 Yuko Ueno (Hitotsubashi University)

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・ The Effect of Fragmentation in Trading on Market Quality in the UK Equity Market

 Lena Koerber (London School of Economics and BOE)

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 Session 3.6 - Agricultural Economics (Application)
・ Rethinking the Productivity of Japanese Agriculture in 1930s: A Panel Data Analysis Using the Third Period MAF Survey of Farm Household Economy

 Takeshi Maru (Hitotsubashi University)

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・ Time Allocation of Agricultural Households under Economic Recession: Lessons from Japanese Agriculture in 1930s

 Motoi Kusadokoro (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) 

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・ Does Risk or Variability in Federal Farm Programs Affect Efficiency and Productivity?

 Saleem Shaik (North Dakota State University)

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 Session 3.7 - International Economics 2 (Application)
・ The Impact of China's Slowdown on the Asia-Pacific Region: An Application of the GVAR Model

 Tomoo Inoue (Seikei University)

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・ An Empirical Examination of the Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment: A Firm-level Analysis for the Colombian Economy

 Ana Maria Iregui (Banco de la Republica)

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・ Friedman Redux: External Adjustment and Exchange Rate Flexibility

 Atish R. Ghosh (International Monetary Fund)

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・ Trade Policy and Economic Growth in Latin America: an Analysis with Panel Data

 Lucas Bispo de Oliveira Alves (University of Brasilia) * presentation withdrawn

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 Session 4.1 - Structural Issues (Theory)
・ Nonparametric Testing for Smooth Structural Changes in Panel Data Models

 Bin Chen (University of Rochester)

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・ Estimation of Heterogeneous Panels with Structural Breaks

 Qu Feng (Nanyang Technological University)

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・ Determining the Number of Groups in Latent Panel Structures

 Xun Lu (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

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 Session 4.2 - Public Economics 2 (Application)
 The Associations of Mental Health with Family Nursing Caregiving and Socioeconomic/Sociodemographic Factors: Findings from a Six-year Panel Survey in Japan

 Takashi Oshio (Hitotsubashi University)

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 Modeling Area-Level Health Rankings

 Rusty Tchernis (Georgia State University, IZA and NBER)

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 Change in Preferred Levels of Income Inequality: Poland, 1988-2003

 Marta Kolczynska (The Ohaio State University and Polish Academy of Science)

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 Dynamics of Educational Inequality among Children in Japan: Findings from the First Four Years of the Japan Child Panel Survey

 Hideo Akabayashi (Keio University)

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 Session 4.3 - Japanese Panel Data 4
・ The Japanese Panel Survey of Consumers

 Naofumi Sakaguchi (Institute for Research on Household Economics)

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・ Female Labour Supply in Australia and Japan: An Analysis Based on Longitudinal Data

 Tomoko Kishi (Nanzan University)

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・ Gender Equality and Transition to the Second Birth in Japan

 Setsuya Fukuda (National Institute of Population and Social Security Research)

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・ An Analysis of Employment Type and Retirement Behavior of Elderly Male Employees: A Fixed Effects Logit Analysis Using Longitudinal Survey of Middle-aged and Elderly Persons

 Tomoki Kitamura (NLI Research Institute) 

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 Session 4.4 - Dynamic Panel Data 3 (Theory)
・ Asymptotic Inference for Dynamic Panel Estimators of Infi nite Order Autoregressive Processes

 Mototsugu Shintani (University of Tokyo)

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・ Dynamic Panels with Threshold Effect and Endogeneity

 Yongcheol Shin (University of York)

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・ A Comparison of Test Procedures in Dynamic Panel Data Models Under Weak Identification

 Rutger W. Poldermans (University of Amsterdam)

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 Session 4.5 - Pricing Issue (Application)
・ Testing for Spatial Market Integration: Evidence for Colombia Using a Pair-wise Approach

 Jesus Otero (Universidad del Rosario)

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・ Shop Around and You Pay More

 Kun Tian (Cardiff University)

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・ Parallel Trade of Pharmaceuticals: The Danish Market for Statins

 Susan J. Mendez (University of Melbourne)

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 Session 4.6 - Labor Economics 3 (Application)
・ Workers' Mental Health, Long Work Hours and the Workplace Management: Evidence from Workers' Longitudinal Data in Japan

 Sachiko Kuroda (Waseda University)

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・ Women's Employment and Life Satisfaction in Japan

 Akihito Toda (Recruit Works Institute)

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・ Gender Empowerment and Proactive Economic Rationality

 Rui Fukuda (University of Tokyo)

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 Session 4.7 - Environmental Issues (Application)
・ International Waste Trade: The Impact of European Regulation on World Trade

 Thais Nunez Rocha (University of Paris I - Pantheon Sorbonne, MSE and PSE)

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・ Fact or Fiction: The Relationship between Carbon Linkage and Carbon Dioxide Environmental Kuznets Curve

 Chien-Ho Wang (National Taipei University)

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 Poster Session
・ Estimation of Dynamic Panel Data Models Using Particle Filters

 Wen Xu (University of Oxford)

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・ Empirical Evaluation of Japan’s 2003 Law Regarding Childcare Support: Effects on Fulltime Female Employment

 Tomoki Kitamura (NLI Research Institute)

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・ Job Change Trends among the Elderly and Young People of Japan in the 2000s

 Kunio Nakashima (NLI Research Institute)

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・ Marriage and Income: Evidence from Japan

 Yawen Sun (Hitotsubashi University)

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